Niepiekło Lech

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In X and XI century the Czech state was ruled by the Przemyślid Dynasty. One of the most important families of the nobility were Vrszowcy. They were connected by marriages with members of the ruling dynasty. They also managed to increase their fortune and family estate. In the eleventh century Vrszowscy family joined in the struggle with the Przemyślid Dynasty. In 1108 the ruler of the Przemyślid Dynasty conquered Vraclav city and murdered  members of Vrszowscy family. The rest of Vrszowscy family ran away to Poland. In Poland   Vrszowcy family changed their name to Rawicz or Rawici. These names came from Rawa or Rawicz coats of arms. A lot of lands were given to them by the king called Bolesław Krzywousty. They managed to found numerous towns and villages. They also performed the most important functons in polish administraction. As the population expanded, they started settling all around Poland. As the years went by, the new offshoots appeared and assumed various surnames. There are about 400 of these surnames. One of them is Niepiekło.  
In the Archives in Warsaw, the document of Duke Janusz of Masovia was survived from 1376, where the surname of a civil servant named Niepiekło could be found.
Niepiekła village was named after his surmane. It is situated between Warsaw and Płońsk.
One of Niepiekło
s descendants was the knight called Ścibor. Duke Janusz of Masovia gave him the land previously used by Lithuanians and Knights of the Cross. In 1430 Ścibor sold this land to his brother. Together with his 10 sons, he moved to Podlasie region that was ruled by Lithuanian Duke named Witold. They managed to settle a few villages. One of them was named Niepiekły. The first person who used the name Niepiekło was Ścibors son - Piotr Niepiekło . Residents of Niepiekły village belonged to the poor nobility. In 1831 the village was destroyed during a cholera epidemic .
Nowadays, there are about 400 members of Niepiekło family. The largest group lives in Podlasie region and in Warsaw. The second large group lives in the south of Poland. The third large group lives in Wieluń. A lot of members of Niepiekło family can be also found in France, Germany, the USA and Ukraine.
It needs to be stressed that these days some of Scibor
s descendants use different names such as: Niepielski, Wyszomierski and Grzymała.
History and the genealogical tree of Niepiekło, Niepielscy and Grzymała families are presented in the book “Niepiekłowie”, Warsaw 2014.

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